3 Quotes & Sayings By Emily Hanson

Emily Hanson is a writer and teacher living in the Pacific Northwest. She has worked as an editor at numerous publishing houses, including Penguin, HarperCollins, and Farrar, Straus & Giroux. Her fiction has appeared in The Best American Short Stories, The Pushcart Prize Anthology, and PANK Magazine. Her nonfiction has appeared in literary journals like The Missouri Review and Twilight Zine Read more

She is the author of two stories, "Seed" and "The Truth About Brothers," which are available on her website at emilyhansonfiction.com

There was a tiny house in town That had always stayed the same, Home to a girl wearing a sundress Calling each flower by name. It was the calm within the chaos, The sun around which we revolved, As stubborn as a stone In its refusal to evolve. I thought it had forever Trapped within its weathered walls, Watching all the lives They built around its rise and fall. But one day with no warning The world felt shallower and strange, And the view outside my window Seemed to all at once have changed. I ran with lungs near bursting To that tiny house in town, Yet the ashes of forever Was the only thing I found. Walking home it felt the world Was made of me and salty tears, And the woman in a sundress Who watched me slowly disappear. Emily Hanson
He walked up to me with his heart on his sleeve, Asking, 'Where'd we go wrong on the way? For I've wandered this city and oh its a pity, They talk but have nothing to say, " I told him that's true about cities like ours; Cities of footsteps and phones. It could be only me and the wild open sea, And I still wouldn't fee as alone. Emily Hanson